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You can never trust a cheat

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People tell me their ex cheated and the had a chat and he has promised never to do it again - and they really believe this crap, that he has suddenly become a nice, decent, honest, loyal person over night because of this chat. People can be so gullible. How long will it be before this nasty piece of slime is doing it again, being more careful about it in the hope he does not get found out again. What they fail to see is if he cared about her and loved her he would not want any other woman anyway, the fact he wants to go with other women proves she is not that special to him.

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Ok I agree you can never trust a cheat, but there are plenty of other things a guy or girl can do that makes her or him undesirable and bad news, cheating is not the be all and end of of misbehaving in a relationship. Supposing you have a savings account and they take all of the money and spend it? That is just as bad. Supposing they beat you black and blue. Is that not just as bad? Supposing they murder someone - ok some of these things are unlikely and far fetched but you get my drift, cheating is not the ultimate crime. Sometimes girls go out with a guy a few times and say they found out he is cheating when they are not even in a serious and steady relationship with him and he is not really cheating anyway, it is just their idea that they are in a proper relationship, not something they have agreed.  You both have to be committed seriously and sure of each other and a future together before seeing someone else is cheating.

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Cheats are selfish scum. There is no excuse for it. I've met guys who say they have to sneak around until they can leave girlfriend - it's rubbish. It is all to suit them and hurting everyone else. Half the time they have no intention of leaving, it's all to rope you in so you let them do what they want with you.

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Don't be so hard on cheats. Most of you have cheated or wanted to, maybe you never got the chance to. Maybe the cheat has a real reason to. Too judgmental.  There is more to it than that, two sides to every story.  If yours is that you were cheated on for no real reason then stop whining about it, end the relationship and move on. Talking about it and writing about it for hours online will not change the past, it just wastes a lot of time.

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Never ever trust a cheat ever. Someone who thinks so little of you that you are not enough for them is not worth the time. It's one reason I think marriage is out and being single is in, you are not tied to someone who ends up letting you down. It's a lot easier to walk away if they do you wrong.

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A cheat is a disgusting person because not only do they not really love the person they pretend to love, but they sneak and tell lies too. You cannot trust them in any shape of form. I've just watched a film where a guy was engaged to a woman and was due to marry her soon. He kept telling her how much he loved her and how much he looked forward to being her husband.  Yet he would sneak off to be with this other woman at every possible moment and every time he saw her he would tell her that he loved her and missed her and hated being with his fiance. How could you possibly trust such a man? Neither of them can.   He got found out and ended up losing  both of them. Serves him right and if any other woman comes along I hope she has the sense to avoid him.

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why would you ever want to be with someone that has cheated wether it be on you or someone else you could never trust them a leopard doesn;t change its spots if they cheat get rid of them and if you meet someone new and they have cheated before then they are likley going to do the same to you.

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Once a cheat always a cheat it also says that he has no respect for you as a person or your body get rid of him and find someone who respects you and who you can respect as well


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