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Want to move out

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We've been living together a while and I am getting more and more bored with it all. This is not turning out as I thought it would and hoped for. She spends a lot of his time knitting, painting,  reading and watching television, so I am alone a lot of the time (I cannot go out due to physical illness).  We have no friends in the area other than a couple we see rarely if we go to them and no family, so this is it, most of my time is alone and stuck indoors. The thing is how do I get to be on my own then? And how do I get over my feelings of letting her down and hurting her?  She has not done anything wrong, she is a typical woman, it would not make sense to say I need to be free because she has hobbies. She has a cat and otherwise she is there for me. Perhaps the problem is I am not cut out to live with someone and should be alone?

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Silly to move in together in the first place, just move out then. Stop finding obstacles and making excuses. Nobody's life is perfect, you may have to sacrifice something else to get your freedom, that is how life works. Maybe money, maybe getting a job, is it worth it? Only you know? But I don't think much of women who stay with a guy just for money or an easy life, like prossies do.

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Maybe  you should have thought about it more before you did it? But anyway you must know what to do. If you decide to move in with someone - or they move in with you - you can undecide it too. But at what cost and what do you get out of it? Is this why you are still going on about it instead of doing it?

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It really does sound like you didn't put much thought into how you would feel when you moved in together.

But its clear by what you say that you know need to be back on your own so I suggest you stop talking about it and get on with it and think a lot more next time before you go head long into a relationship and living together


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Clearly you have to work at a relationship and with everything you say you haven't said we have sat down and talked about how we feel. Your partner is getting on with her hobbies you don't say what your doing talk and start doing things together then you mignt feel a lot different.

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You sound like a child who pretends to be an adult. You sound as if you are doey eyed and just been plopped on the face of the earth with no experience of life or people at all, and we are supposed to feel sorry for you.  Even if we do what goes does that do you, really, honestly, for your future? You need to change how you look at things and enjoy what is good about your life or make it better.


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