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Why did he do this?

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(@Susan Smith)
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Susan smith is not my real name lol!! he he.

I'm in shock maybe disbelief I'm a little drunk after being at a festival and my partner phoned me to say our little boy wasn't settling I said I'd get the bus home which I thought was 9pm turns out it was 9;15 so I got home late he went mental doesn't want to be with me anymore called me so many names and then slapped me across the face and saying if I don't get out his way he's going to batter me I've been with this man for fifteen years and this is the first time ever I've seen this side of him I'm crying in the living room and I'm just in shock I'm gonna leave him I never thought in a million years he's ever hurt me and hear I am with a sore cheek that's all red it's not fair because I never go out in always the one who looks after the baby and the one night I don't rush to be home when he said I get this I honestly can't believe it. He is acting like a demented monster when he was always so rational and loving, gentle and kind before.

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Forget how he used to be, it is how he is now that counts. Run a mile when the person is a monster. Stop dreaming about them changing back to nice. Nice guys don't turn into monsters, he must have been a secret monster all of the time, pretending to be nice. People often lie, when it suits, to get what they want. He might have lied about being nice to get whatever, now he is being him, the real him, now you should become the real you - confident, decisive, determined, not a pussy who is going to let this guy sweet talk her if it suits him or give in to threats or give in to worries about being alone.

(@Cant say my name)
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Why does any man do anything? They are all self serving  bastards that is why. The more I meet men the more I work out that it is best not to bother with them. Unless I can meet Jesus Christ or God, they are the ones I would make an exception for, but for the others, nah, they can take their shirts that need a new button and their washing and ironing to some woman who does it for so much an hour. They can go to another woman who charges more per hour for sex.


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