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[Solved] Antidepressants?

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I am struggling seriously and think something is needed. Has anyone managed it with therapy alone? Are anti depressants the only way.

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Be aware that tablets can make you be ill and you may be more ill than before. In India we not take tablets as much as people in West. It better to meditate and put minds over matters.

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Post this is true. My sister went on antidepressants and she was dizzy, could not sleep or eat, felt very cold and had lots of bad tummy.  She tried different one and it just as bad.

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I’ve been put back on sertraline, referred back to talking therapies for the millionth time and a referral to mental health team. It never seems to help though, we go through the motions and another year passes and I am a year older and that is it. I often feel as if they cannot really help.

im struggling badly. I don’t want to go to work but I have to as I don’t get sick pay and can’t afford to not have a wage.

im falling behind on all of the house work and have no motivation at all.  I’m so tired and my energy is completely gone.

I used to be out and about all the time with our little boy but I don’t do that as much now, I don’t wanna go out with friends and my relationship with my husband is cracking.I know is the cause of my depression yet when I speak to counsellors they talk about giving me medication. I do not get this. Surely if my marriage falling to pieces is the problem then medication cannot be the answer? Unless the idea is to turn me into a zombie who cannot see that things are bad? 

we want to try for baby number 2 but my sex drive is gone. I know he’s really struggling with my lack of drive so I am trying to still engage but I struggle. We had a chat last night about it and it broke my heart to see him that way. He was so sad that My sex drive has gone and I’m not affectionate, and he thinks I don’t find him attractive. I feel he’s given me the cold shoulder because he feels rejected and lonely.

I’ve tried to reassure him and make he see that I do love him.

(@We are a couple)
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If you are depressed and your marriage is not good we cannot see how trying for a baby is a good idea! Surely you need to get better and be sure the marriage will last first. Babies do not repair a marriage or cure depression. You say you struggle with work and housework so how the heck would you take care of a little baby too? 


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