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[Solved] Life is hard

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Life can be very hard

(@We are a couple)
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I've been with my partner for two years and things have been going well. I moved into his house last year and since then things have gone downhill. He has suffered with depression for years and when lockdown happened it made it far worse.  He did go to the Dr and they prescribed him some medication but he didn't take them. He says he is very  happy with me and that meeting me made him the happiest he's been in years and I 'saved his life' We discussed trying for a baby and I came off the pill in February. We try and try but no success yet. 
He has never had a high sex drive, it dwindled for us after about 3 months. It went from 3/4 times a week to just weekends now its once a month. I was always getting turned down whenever I initiated anything, "I'm too full, I've got heartburn or "I'm too tired" I discussed this with him on a few occasions and he'd just say sorry I'll make more of an effort. But this did not satisfy me as makes me feel that he does not find me attractive and must force himself to do it with me.  I also made it clear it wasn't about baby-making it's just intimacy and normal to have sex. That it is what normal couples do. 
We have become more like friends/roommates. I also noticed he drinks about 8-10 cans of cider daily, I've read online alcohol doesn't help libido.
Things reached boiling point the other night when I said I was going to my parents for a few days,  he was drunk and he broke down saying he is depressed, lonely and worried about work. He sobbed and it broke my heart to see him this way.  I comforted him and said I can help with anything he needs and its good he told me. I work in healthcare & suggested I get him an appointment to see another doctor. He said no he'd do it himself so I asked the following day and he said he doesn't want medication so I said that's not the only option i.e CBT or healthy minds can help, again he said he'd phone them but when I asked he said he's not going to bother !? I understand he has to want to get better but without taking these steps how is that going to happen?
I'm really worried he is going to get worse. It is hard to stand by and see this happen to with someone you love but I get angry that he talks about it and then shrinks back from making things better.

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Sorry but I do not understand why someone with so many problems in their relationship is trying to have a baby. You should sort out one problem before you move on to more things to cope with. You should be sure your relationship is solid first and you are both strong enough and both want the same things. Babies are not toys and you cannot push them to one side is sad or feeling ill. That is when social services come and investigate if you are good parents. A depressed parent is not a good parent. Someone who drinks a lot is not a good parent.  As for his prowess getting worse of course it does if he drinks a lot, the two go together. He prefers drink to sex.

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I am sorry to burst your bubble The relationship isn’t doing much for you. He’s an alcoholic with a mental health condition he won’t accept treatment for, you barely have sex, he’s miserable. He’s an adult, he needs to help himself. He says he wants a baby yet he is a baby himself not an adult which he pretends to be. It is almost as if he wants you to be his mother rather than his partner. You need to stop having any unsafe sex with him, the last thing you need is a baby to add to the mix.

You’re not going to get the life you want and deserve by staying with him. I’d make the break permanent and stop trying to save him because he’s refusing to make any effort to save himself. He might wake up and do something if you are not around to cushion him all the time.

Move out. Wish him well. Go and live your life and hopefully you’ll meet someone healthy and happy who’ll share your dreams. His dream is to moan and feel sorry for himself for the rest of his life.

You’re flogging a dead horse. Forget this idea that you can somehow be happy with him. He does not really want that or he would have done more by now.

(@Psychic Reader)
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I am sorry but I have read the above and must agree with much of what is said, though it may seem unkind or harsh. You need a kick up the arse if you think that hanging around with this man and waiting for him to do something is the answer. Even more so if you think having a baby is sensible now. If only people had to prove themselves sensible and grown up before they could have babies the World would be a far better place. Your responsibility now is with this unborn child who could be brought into the World to face this misery and boredom and all of the problems that go with it every day.  You really think that is a loving and kind thing to do? If you were to get a cat now I would worry about the poor creature and it is far worse with a baby. You are doing what they call enabling. He wants pity and to stick with how he is and you make it easier for him to do that. You also seem to be reaching out to him and us for pity yourself instead of seeing that action is needed - the talking has to stop because you just go around in circles. I predict that in a year's time the only thing that will have changed is you are both a year older. You are wasting your life with a guy like this. He is stuck in this groove and wants to stay there. He puts more effort into staying there than he does in getting better.

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Please do not be so harsh to this lovely lady. She is doing her best. She is struggling. In theory I do agree with what you say but when you put it so strongly it can have the opposite effect and make the poor woman very depressed rather than help her. 


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