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Hard when first time

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(@Red Lion)
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First love is tricky. It got me and I am not ashamed to admit it. Girls were supposed to be silly little creatures that we ignored or laughed at but once you meet one that you like it is all different. Girls sort of get  under your skin if you are not careful and next thing you know you miss them if you don't see them a few days. 

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Yeah it is. My first love died a year or so ago. Miss her terribly but have got over that bump where I thought of ending it as I had nobody who loved me or spent time with me, nobody I clicked with, just a lot of empty days stretching ahead of me.  The doctor helped me with antidepressants.  First love may be the worst, who knows, I hope I will find someone else and get to love them one day the same, and that one will last longer.  When you are young you make a lot of mistakes and don't appreciate things the same. If I could have that time again I would grab onto every precious second without question because if I had known it would not last that long it would make it all the more important and better to have it.  We had one terrible row which lasted a week or so, we almost split over it, so glad we did not.

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First love can be terrific if you really love each other, it gets stiff when you think you love them or are besotted with them but they don't feel the same for you, and treat you like dirt or neglect you. Then it's hard to pull away and do the right thing and end it.

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My first love was at school, a slim little blonde thing, think I liked her so much because she was more bubbly than the others and had a cheeky smile.  At that age you don't think about the future and think nothing bad will happen to you, if it goes wrong you are gob smacked and cannot figure out why.

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Found the first one to be nothing special, he wore braces and had a lisp, a funny laugh and a wonky eye but I still liked him a lot.  We were at school, laughing at the teachers and trying to get out of homework. Nothing special at all yet all these years later still remember him.

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My first love tips - don't be too eager. don't be too available. don't be too open and honest about what you feel.... try to act normally and be cool about it.

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Sometimes we have to go from one day to the next working things out as we go along. Love means learning each day. You learn what to do again and what not to do again, if you are wise. If you keep doing the things that annoy the person you are seeing then you keep ending up single again.


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