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Guys can dream on

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It's always guys who want this fwb arrangement, and I can tell you why. I've got a friend who works as an aromatherapist, she earns $100 an hour massaging people with oils, it is all legit and nothing to do with sex. But she often gets guys going there hoping for extras who offer her more money for the sex bit, and a lot of them moan about how much they are paying sex women for sex and how they want to be able to go back to see her later that day for sex, but they always go on about it being fwb, in other words for free!   Like she cannot get sex and she has to be a sort of unpaid prostitute to get it.  It makes no sense at all. If she can get $100 an hour for a massage she could get a lot more for sex, she would not be giving it away for free. But why would she want to sleep with a load of fat old bald men anyway? There are plenty of young, good looking men she could go with instead. None of these idiots look at how popular she is and how she can be picky and call the shots. They only think about what they want.

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Yeah I figured that. The World is full of places where men pay for sex with women they don't know - even if it is only by text or phone calls, it still costs them. I'd imagine that the older they are, the uglier, the more married etc the more likely they have to pay instead.  I've chatted in chat rooms where they told me they were SENIOR EXECUTIVES (strange then that they cannot afford to pay for these phone and text services - perhaps they got the job title wrong?)  and try to persuade you that you are lucky if you meet them.

I chatted to a woman there once who said that she was going to meet this guy from the room but it turned out he was married and he only wanted to come over for sex on first meet, not even offering to take her out for a meal first or anything nice and normal, but to her the worst bit was that he was going to come over to her on a bicycle!  That was the pits. This dude did not even have a car.  Yet he was trying to set up with her to be his bit on the side.

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You need to chill out girls. Nothing wrong with sleeping around and putting it about. I do it whenever I get the chance to . You should too. Stop being so petty, it's only sex. No big deal. Next time you meet up with a new guy tell him you want to take him back to yours and spend the might with him, no strings, no payment, and you will make him very happy. He will be thrilled. Think of what bliss you bring to this guy. He may even like you enough to want to see you again then.

I went out with a girl once who did this to lots of guys, she had a little book with their details and would ring a guy she fancied for the night. They jumped to it when she rang and some of them would try to ring her but she would not let them. It was always having to be her idea when it suited her.  The guys were quick to say yes because otherwise they were going without or paying. But it changed over time. She got more and more guys in her little book and the guys were worried they were not getting many calls from her and having long waits. So when she rang them again they would make sure they were real nice to her, taking her out and buying her things, hoping this meant that she knew they wanted her and knew they wanted to see her again real soon and she would ring sooner next time.  As time went on she got even more popular and they had to increase the gifts and fuss or get dumped out of the little book.  In a way it was the same as paying for sex but all unspoken and silently agreed by the law of supply and demand.

When she rang me about seeing me again I knew I had a choice of either saying yes please and just having sex and never ever seeing her again or having to borrow a fair amount of money so that I could match what some of the other successful guys did so that I would stay in the little black book!  I am not that attractive and have a wart on my nose, so I decided to get cash and splash it about. Took her to a casino and for a real good meal. Yes it worked. Great evening, great night and stayed in the little black book.   So guys, if you have this feeling about how girls should sleep around and give it to you that sounds grand but remember plenty of other guys have same urges and wants so you have to be better than them. You can be great looking and chatty but that is not enough, she wants something more than that.  Or aim for older women who are plain if you want it all easy on your own terms.

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REMEMBER that if you hire someone as a professional friend - for company - this has nothing to do with sex. These people are not sex workers. They are not wanting to be touched. I've heard some things about men, especially very old ugly guys, very often married ones, who try to hire a young woman as a professional friend very cheap. They say to her let's meet for coffee and a chat or whatever, and try to make sure the price is dirt cheap. Then if she meets them they try to turn it into hours of sex at this dirt cheap price. It's all very crafty, manipulative, dishonest, selfish and quite frankly living in a dream world.  If these women wanted to sell sex they would call themselves sex workers, set a price that suits the job and they could get young good looking men -   they would not have to settle for ugly old or married men who are skint or mean.

If you are seeking someone to hire remember to be honest and fair with them. Don't try to move the goal posts to suit you. Whatever you come up with they will have heard it all before both from other potential customers and from guys in real life! They are not that dumb or generous that they will give you very cheap sex.

(@Cant say my name)
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What on earth would a woman agree to FWB arrangements for?  Let's look at how it is for the female. She can get a guy who loves her, takes care of her, provides for her properly, takes her out on dates, buys her gifts and looks after her when she is worried or ill.   OR this fantastic alternative the guys offer her instead is to come over to her place (which she has to pay for without their help) jump on her, enjoy her, then go off back to other girlfriends, wife, life etc.  And if she has a worry or gets ill, so what, that is an inconvenience for him at most, and if she wants to get married or live with someone properly so what, that is her problem, and at Christmas, birthdays etc she can sit alone, so what, she is expected to work for the rest of her life because he only wants her for sex.

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My friend got sick and tired of finding men who wanted her as their fwb.  She hates the idea and agrees with me they get all the advantages of free sex, saving money on prostitutes and you get nothing at all. Just wasting your time and maybe cervical cancer or an abortion!

She met a guy who was very keen on coming to stay with her for a weekend. He was not her type, not even as a friend, and she knew he was after sex, but she said yeah you can come stay for the weekend.  When he got there she told him she had just had some tiles delivered for the bathroom and said he could put them up for her (she already knew he could do these things).  He hastily got busy with the tiling assuming this would lead to a night of sex.   It took him a few days and the weekend was nearly over but he was fine with that because it was worth it if he gets hours of sex with my lovely friend. When the tiling was done she said sorry but I have to go out, my mum is very ill and needs me at hers. We can get together soon.  Off she went.  Half an hour later she came back again. Her mum has been dead for years and used to live abroad. But it was her way of getting rid of him.  She told me .. look if I am going to sell myself to guys I don't like or fancy or have any connection with I'd charge properly not just putting a few tiles up. pmsl.

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This stuff where guys look for sex is normal. But I hate the way they go about it and think we are dumb about it too.  I met a guy who was married and more than twice my age, he told me that if I went to a hotel with him for a whole night of sex he would buy us a a bottle of champagne and we would share it.He said this as if having sex with a very young woman all night was only work a few dollars. But somehow he thought if he said champagne rather than say $40 it would sound special, romantic and generous. Who did he think he is kidding. IF I said to my dog walker or cleaner that if they worked for eight hours I would give them half a bottle of champagne they would throw a hissy fit and hand in their notice.

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There really isn't friends with benefits its just a guys way of getting free sex without having any commitment to the women I cannot understand why any women would get into such a situation if she realy wanted just to sleep around she might as well charge for it and be in control


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