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Preventative Health Care

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(@Healing People)
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Since having some illness I've started to get into preventative health care.. I lost four stone,  distill my own water, exercise more, stopped alcohol, don't take any recreational drugs - never did - don't smoke , again never did, make sure I get time to destress or relax no matter what, eat a lot more veg and fruit, less meat, less salt, more fibre. Anyone else trying to make sure they stay well?

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Get yourself on eating nuts regularly, not the salted ones, walnuts are very good for magnesium and potassium.  Olive oil is good for your health too. We all need oils but most of us have too many of the bad sort and not enough of the good sort. One of my favourite things now is a salad with some oil on it, but my weakness is mayonnaise, it just is not the same without it.

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My next door neighbour is in a wheelchair and struggling - mostly emotional. I've got others around me who are not in a good state.  For about six months I've been taking tumeric every day, also ginger, and am starting to take omega 3 and plant sterols regularly. Hopefully I can stave off dying or getting bad.

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Good luck with your turmeric and other bits. I am also on a keep fit regime but mine is more to do with eating more veg, eating less meet, more fish, less salt, less sugar, less processed and refined. The things I miss a lot are bread and potatoes and cheese, it's amazing how I took them for granted. A good thing about this is without trying I've lost some weight too.


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