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[Solved] Honest Holly

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All of this depends on so many things. Honest Holly started off as a seemingly normal young woman, but she soon found that everyone around her had more problems than her and would keep trying to dump them on her doorstep.   because she was the sensible one. She was the strong one etc. What a lot of those people did not realise was that Honest Holly had had huge problems as a child and teenager, far worse than the things they were moaning about, and she had dealt with them on her own, with no support, this makes you strong and sensible.  You either sink or swim then. Necessity is the mother of invention.

The trouble is that none of these people were giving anything in return, just sucking up all of her time, not even friends. One day she got to the point where she was sick and tired of all of this.   She decided that from now on she would charge if someone wanted to sit and have a chat with  her about their problem(s).  Of course many would say oh it's only a chat, and think they could trick her into a problem chat if they pretended first, but she saw through all this.  If you are like honest holly and you get a lot of people forever wanting to come to you with all of their negative stuff maybe you should think about this too... the what's in it for me bit.  If they aren't friends then why bother?  And, honest holly always says don't have friends who are forever having problems anyway, all too much drama and time consuming.

Maybe those people should be getting sorted out with a good therapist instead of running to her or whoever every time something does not go the way they want. You know what they say, teach a man to fish and he eats every day.

It cannot be much fun to be in that situation where people only want you to lean on or for help. Remember if you are strong a lot of weak or indecisive people will flock around you just for your strength, so be cautious about who  you allow to spend time with you and what their motives are.


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I've already learned a lot from Honest Holly. Had an email from her a few months ago about how to set up my own agony aunt thing, helped a lot.   Have already got two regular clients by following her advice. Am posting on here now so peeps can see I good at this and then will be on directory as Ann Smith. You can hire me there then.

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I chose Honest Holly when I wanted advice months ago. She delivered it well, very helpful, would not hesitate to return to her. Only thing I would add is this... don't bother to ask if you think you know it all.  Someone I know consulted Holly, then told me that she knew Holly was wrong. The truth was she did not want to hear what needed to be done, which was dumping her rubbish boyfriend.

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Wish I had hired an online agony aunt before I married my wife years ago. She was cold towards me and aloof, but all I saw was how pretty and beautiful she was and ignored the rest. Someone who was honest and wise would have been a big help and could have helped me save a bundle of money that I lost to her. She now has the house I worked hard for, she never put a cent into it, she even has my dog, a dog I adored with her, I cannot see dog again (we had no children).  She is a crafty and selfish woman and had me fooled but there were red flags which I pushed under the carpet.  One of them was when she would insist I do a job I hate, totally hate, and did not care that I would be doing something I loathe and detest all day every day.  Only a selfish person does that. The way she saw it was that it paid more than the other job - but the other job was the one I was going to enjoy. Because I let her bully me into taking the better paid job instead I dreaded monday mornings and longed for fridays.

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Think a lot of the people who come here hoping to become a paid online agony aunt are scammers. They have no ability at making good decisions or solving problems at all, many of them cannot get a job, or they have a badly paid ordinary menial job, and they see becoming a paid agony aunt as a solution to their own problems.  What they fail to see is that a wise person who is wise enough to get paid for their advice would not be in a menial badly paid job or unemployed, they would be doing far better than that.

I am now working as one of the online agony aunts through this site, but I already have a very good job at a very good salary, I am not just trying to get money that I would have no chance of getting otherwise. Not a scammer. I reply for free to some on here, with a short response.  So far I have had quite a few paying clients I helped in private and some have become regulars, but really it is better if you learn to make your own decisions instead of constantly consulting and paying people.


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