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[Sticky] Incest is gross

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There is no excuse for this at all.  Even when it is someone you are not related to by blood. Stepfathers trying it on with their girlfriends or new wives daughters and such is gross, planned, selfish and sick. One of my friends got into this, the stepfather kept nagging her to go with him, when the girl's mother found out her future husband was after her daughter she had a go at the daughter and blamed her and still married this scum bag. What a stupid woman.

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Hell how could any man fancy his daughter just the thought of this makes me sick to the core and the women who take the side of the man and not there daughter are as sick as him they should be ashamed to be a mother in fact there not fit to be a mother

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Incest destroys the victim. Once the person has been forced, manipulated, seduced or used in this way they are never the same, a shadow of former self. A husk of the real person. Many of them find it hard to trust anyone at all, or believe that anyone could care about them and mean it. They think everyone wants to take advantage of them and use them, nobody looks out for them or appreciates them as a person other than just a sex toy. This is how it is with a boyfriend or man who grabs a girl from  behind a bush but when it is the person's mother or father or brother it gets them all mixed up and crazy, they cannot see how that person can want to treat them this way yet want to be with them in other ways, it takes a while to see all this, and it is time to do this that is needed. I knew a girl who needed a lot of therapy after being abused by father,  she got to hate him and hate all men, to her all men were as vile as him. Nobody could persuade her otherwise. She believed it deep into the core of herself.  She had years of therapy and this never changed what she thought.

Eventually the end came, she was young, but so so lonely and aching with emotional pain, she took an overdose and tried to finish herself.  Someone found her and she went to hospital and they saved her but she was angry with them, she wanted so much to die she hated them for saving her. This is all because of her own father and brother, both of them had forced her to do things with them and for them. Both of them never ever care what it did to her. For a while I hated men and could not trust men either, just knowing about these beasts.

Thankfully I found a lovely man who I have been married to for a few years, somehow I felt he was nicer than some of the others. Some were scum, some were nasty and selfish, but there are nasty selfish scum who are women too. We must not put it all on men and say they are worse than women.

Some of the worst sexual predators were women, Myra Hindley and Rosemary West.


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