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My First Husband

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I am a fair bit older now but when I was about eighteen my first husband and I went out for a meal to a Chinese restaurant and he said to me he wanted to marry me. I sort of expected it and was sort of pleased but was not that much in love with him that it rang bells in my heart or any of that stuff. Yes I did marry him but not because I loved him, I married him to escape from an awful life at home with parents etc and no other way to escape from it.  But he did well out of it. I was earning a lot more than him and paid all of the bills and he totally relied on me for money.  He worked but did not earn much and was awful with money so it was all down to me, not easy when so young. After a bit I realised I would be a lot better off without him as he was totally draining me financially and I had to work very long hours just to keep head above water.

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Marriage is over rated. Am happier now than ever - out of it - away from all that stuff - doing what I want when I want. I go to pub, have drink or two, chat to the other lads, have a laugh, nobody moaning when I get home late, nobody waiting for me to chat to them if I prefer to watch television, nobody moaning that I forgot to bring them in some chips.

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I proposed to my wife on Valentines Day, we had been out for a meal and were snuggling up on the sofa. She said yes straight away... but we ended up splitting and divorcing years later.

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I was the first husband of my wife and then after we divorced and were not thinking straight - after a good drink - we got married a second time and were together again.  No, nothing like famous celebs, but in it's way it seemed special at the time.  The mistake a lot of people make when they go back to an ex is that they forget the ex's faults. They judge it by the good bits and how they wish it was rather than how it was when it was bad.


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