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He nags me for money

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(@Caring Person)
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My partner is on other side of the World but we get on great, we zoom skype and chat by text and email. He is very busy so it is not often but it is good.  He has a lot of money worries and told me if I help him out by paying his rent and car and such then he can gradually sort things out and come visit me proper. We can then plan to be together, he can come live over here. This is terrific news for me. My mother says she suspicious of him,  she think this all a bit odd. She wants me to go out with a guy I know who lives a few miles away, a fireman, he is ok, but I am smitten with my partner.

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I am sorry but I think your mum may be right. How do you know for sure this guy loves you and anyway why would you want to make a future with a guy who relies on you for money? For all you know he is doing this with other women,  sweet talking them and getting their money, that is what some of these guys do for a living. They tell you what you want to hear to deliver the honey to them. What has he said about working or saving or being someone you can rely on other than skype chat or spending your money? How do  you know about anything, he could be married or have a girlfriend already.

(@soppy tart)
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My man an older man, he not nag me for money, he got money, good job, nice flat, he give me money. Find self a nice older man and get rid of the young mens who waste time. They all losers and drips. Just wanting quickie sex and bore you.

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My man an older man, he not nag me for money, he got money, good job, nice flat, he give me money. Find self a nice older man and get rid of the young mens who waste time. They all losers and drips. Just wanting quickie sex and bore you.

Sounds good. But is it that good? Some guys are good wit the jobs and money but as boring as hell. Or crap at sex. Or always busy with diy, friends, golf etc. There is usually something that is not right. Does he leave a mess all around the flat for you to clear up?  Is he honest?   Does he sniff around women before he comes home to you?   Put your finger on what it is and then ask yourself if this is fine with you. It's great he is not like that about money, but there again there is money and money. You say you live in a flat, all the people I know who have money live in huge houses with a big piece of garden. So is it really a lot of money?


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Give the greedy creeps their marching orders. How dare they nag you for money or even expect any money from you. It is your money not theirs, remember that. Tell them that you will give them five dollars if they give you ten dollars first.

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Let's get something straight. If your guy is on the other side of the World he is more a figment of your imagination rather than a partner. A partner is someone who is with you and shares a life with you, you share a home and commitments, you spend a lot of time together and make your life together, you both put into it equally. One might raise the kids while the other one earns the money. This guy is contributing nothing - not his presence, not money, nothing, he is just taking, and for all you know he has a wife or girlfriends over there.

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Owe this is very easy for the guy to tell you what you want to here and then suggest you pay his bills if this guy is genuinley working hard and earning money what is there stopping him paying for his own accomadation and car I am sorry I think he is a scammer and stringing you along for the money.


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