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Has romance died? I never meet guys who are into romance.
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I rarely meet guys into romance but I do. The trick is to say no to the other guys and hold out for those guys. Otherwise you have a lot of guys just wanting to jump into bed with you at the drop of a hat, just using you really, not appreciating you or giving you anything worth having, just wasting your time and maybe giving you a nasty disease or making you pregnant too.
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Yeah. I went into a chat room one rainy day when I was stuck indoors with nothing to do. Within minutes there were about 100 guys wanting to chat to me in private messages. Most of them started their chat with hi busty or hi beautiful or hi where do you live let's meet later. All sex sex sex in their minds. And it never seemed to occur to any of them that they were one of a hundred, they all spoke to me as if it was a done deal that they were the one and either nobody else was offering or the way they said hi melted me so much I could not resist them. With the married ones they would say well I must be honest and tell you I am married - yeah right - they lie to their wife but they want you to believe they are honest. What they mean is I will tell you now that I am married because I've wasted time on trying to pick up women and then when they found out I was married they lost interest, so I get that out up front to save that happening. Cause I know it would be impossible to hide it from you in the future if we meet. Some of the most ridiculous ones were those who thought I was so desperate for sex I would cyber with the guys on there (that would save them paying to ring a sex chat line - I would get a job doing it on the phone and being paid if I wanted to do that) or expecting me to travel a long way to meet them as if they are some great prize worth travelling for, when there were plenty who lived much nearer or would travel to me.
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Having read what you said I sort of get it more now. Think guys going into a chat room to try to get laid, especially old ones or married ones, is disgusting. They know there are women about who sell those services. Can you imagine if we were like this? If we said to ourselves that we could pay a cleaner to come in and clean our house but instead of doing that we will go into a chat room and ask all of the women to come and do it free? Could you imagine what they would say? lol.
Anyway, one of the things that disgusts me so much about all this is that romance and sex are two separate things. A woman usually wants friendship or romance with sex, not just the sex alone. The guys prefer the sex alone, which is why so many of them get nowhere with women, because a woman knows she doesn't fancy that and she can get paid for that!
Used to know a lady who was about 70 who did the sex chats on text and got paid for it. She said it was the most boring thing, reading the same stuff over and over, some would want to send pics of their dicks, some would nag to meet, which they knew was not part of the deal and the tiny bit they paid for texts would hardly cover it if it was! They were hoping she was so turned on by their boring texts they would decide they fancied the guy and would give him free meets after being paid for the text stuff, how mean and stupid. Like a woman who gets paid to just text would do meets free!
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Men often get a tremendous kick out of imaging all sorts of wonderful things with a woman - often one he does not know let alone have a relationship with. My sister used to work as a florist and a guy went in and bought flowers. He was married and quite old, nothing to look at. A few days later he starts bombarding her with phone calls at the shop asking her to take a day off of work to be with him. It was clear he was hoping this would turn into going to a hotel for sex. She was disgusted. When he failed to get that he started to send her flowers with notes asking her and one time he went her a little present, something very cheap and ordinary, but there was a note with it that said something like THANKS FOR AGREEING TO MEET ME AT HOTEL FOR A DAY OF PASSION. It came across as if he had given her a very cheap crumby gift she did not want in return for a day of sex with an old married man. She could not get over how insulting this was or how cheap he thought she would be if she wanted to sleep around. None of this had anything to do with her, all of it came from him and what he wanted. When it had all blown over he sent someone into the shop to sheepishly ask if he could have his (cheap and crumby ) gift back, seeing as how he had failed to get sex with her. She said no, it's mine. And when that person had gone threw it in the bin.
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This man you speak of is a total disgrace he is trying to use your sister as a cheap prostitute I don't know why he just doesn't go and find one and leave the like of your sister alone
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Well one thing is for sure, the guys you know are not romantic, or try to take you for granted. Think it depends on the circles you mix in. My grandfather is widowed and he dates now, some would say he is too old, but he is healthy and fit, got his own house, good pension, savings, so why not? He has met a few women who only want him for what he can do for them -lifts to hospital, how boring and time consuming - taking them out for meals - same again - doing chores in their garden or home - but not seeing him as a person, a man, someone with feelings and needs, just what he can do for them. That is why he hesitates now. He goes to bridge, whist, bowling and other typical more mature pursuits, he half looks out for a woman who will be nicer and less selfish than these others, he also wants someone who is fit and healthy, not where he is worrying about their medication or doctor's visits all of the time. Feeling more like a carer than a man. It must be something that is the case with a lot of elderly people.
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