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[Solved] Idiots

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What sort of dope gets into a thing with a married man?  I've known three of them, all saps. One was falling over herself to be there for this married man, he only saw her for about ONE HOUR A MONTH!! Yep. And she was at his beck and call like a slave. He would come over, chat to her for five minutes, get to bed with her for sex, then go back to wife till next month.  She fell for this for over a year. Another one was in her 60s and fell for guy nearly 80. He was the most ordinary man you could meet. She spent money on him and lent him a lot of money he never even  TRIED to pay back, all sorts of promises about it. He said he would leave wife to be with her, none of that ever happened, all lies.  He got caught out by his firm for stealing money there and went to jail.  Another one was swept off her feet in chat room.  She had loads out singles to choose from but she liked his photo.   He took her for for a burger.  Yep a cheap burger.  She ended up giving him sex regular, hotel rooms (he had money for that, but they were low class crappy ones).  He dumped her when she started pushing for more.

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There are two types of married men - one is the type who is bored and meets someone at a club or at work and one thing leads to another. But to me the really nasty piece of rubbish is the guy who is married and goes into chat rooms looking for a woman to agree to meet him and become his piece on the side. He knows what he is wanting to do and is planning it all to suit him. With no thought to the wife or the other woman. If he had his way he would have his wife sit at home with the baby waiting for him and this other woman wasting her life on him and waiting in between, going without the normal stuff she would get with a single man.

Some married men try to get a married woman, they have this fantasy that the married woman is bored with hubby or not getting sex off hubby so she will be eager to have sex with him. None of this explains why she does not get divorced instead, or sort things out with hubby instead, or find a single man who would offer her so much more (PLENTY OF SINGLE MEN WOULD BE HAPPY TO BE SEEING A MARRIED MAN).  Sometimes the married man expects the woman to meet him for a quickie in the back of the car or go in the bushes or some other very uncomfortable and unclassy thing because he has no money to spend on hotels etc.  And he does not even have the time or money to take her out for a meal first so I cannot see such men getting any success. Especially the very old ones who try to get a very young woman or the ones who can only get away once a month for an hour.    

These guys should be paying pros, that is what it is all about, avoiding paying them - selfish mean bastards. They would rather ruin some woman's life than pay someone where it is a fair deal  both ways.. with honesty.

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Sorry but I must agree with a lot of what has been said here. I've known women to go for married men and in most cases they were naive and living in a dream world. They wanted a single man but they thought they could go with a married man and change him into a nice honest single man. They kept trying to change him. Nagging him to leave wife, see them a lot etc. It only works if you are happy with how it is already. If you are fine with the guy being married then go for it, if you really want a single man then you are wasting your time and his.

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Yes I see your point but I once worked as a secretary at a large industrial estate. The man I was the secretary to was good looking, charming, attractive in every way - and married.  We spent a lot of time together going over a project or dealing with letters and phone calls, messages and stuff on a daily basis. There was a sort of electricity between us that we could not ignore. He felt it and so did I. I still respected him because I knew he had a wife who was not that friendly or easy to get on with (yes I did know this) and he was not the sort of guy who would jump on any female.   More like a typical woman where it has to be with a relationship and with "feelings".  After a while he asked me if it was a good idea for us to go out together - and be discreet - or if it would be better that I switch with another secretary and not have this anxiety whenever we got together. We agreed it would be best for me to swap with one of the other woman so that is how it went.   About a month later he came to me saying he missed me and he regrets it but he also cared enough about me to say it was best for me as hanging around for a married man is an awful life.. I was single then.  This is one of the things that gets me about married men who seek out this other woman. They don't care how awful it is for the other woman, they only care about themselves.

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The likely hood of a married man giving up his wife and family for another women is quite remote while he can string you along with promises and gifts and still get what he wonts from you why would he leave her. he has the best of both worlds, Girls find someone you love and care about who can be with you all the time.

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The worst type is the guy who goes in chat rooms and dating sites looking. He is cold blooded and calculating. He stalks his prey. He will tell the woman he wants to get a divorce asap or whatever it takes to get her trust and get what he wants off of her.  He is not at all interested in what is best for her or being fair or kind or caring for her, just using her to get fun.  He has often tried many times before. As he gets older he fails more and more, or when he loses his looks.

I went into a chat room recently just to kill some time and see what it was like. I called myself SEEKSAFFAIR. Loads of guys appeared, I soon had about 250 waiting to chat to me. Every single one started off by asking me whereabouts I lived and talked as if the only thing that mattered was if I lived near them.  The hilarious thing is I was pretending to be 18 and gorgeous.  And men who were 75 and married talked  to me as if THEY would be doing ME a favour if we met and had sex!!! Some said they would pay me. In most of the cases they were already paying prostitutes but just trying to get someone younger, better looking, more time, cheaper or free.  One guy of 77 had no money and kept on and on about I was not allowed to go into a chat room unless I met all of the men who ask me to meet, and have sex with them, otherwise I am a fake.   Another one tried the "I will take you shopping"  (that means they will spend very little, and that will be on sexy understand - which is for them not me) if I spend the weekend with him. The meanest one expected to buy me one drink and then whisk me off to a hotel for the night.  When I pointed out that nobody would give a guy a whole night of sex for a drink he reluctantly said he would give whoever TWO DRINKS then!  These guys live in a total dream world. If the boot was on the other food they would tell the guy to f*** off.


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