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I have been happily married to my beautiful wife for many years. I’m going to miss how she playfully scorns me for drinking all of her ‘Christmas spirits’ in June or how she still blames me (me!) for not tidying away the toys that she tripped on her tore her hamstring. It’s not a romantic connection, I don’t think. No, it definitely isn’t. Yes, she’s seen me naked on a couple of occasions but that was just accidental towel slippage in the early morning. Nothing more than that. Honestly. It’s just that, as the time draws closer for me and my wife to move out and start our new life together, all I can think about is my mother-in-law. If truth be told, we could have moved out months ago but I deliberately stalled the refurbishments so we wouldn’t have to move out soon. I keep asking myself, ‘Will she be ok when we’re gone?’ Should I ask my wife if her mother could live with us in our new house? I’m pretty handy with DIY so I could easily convert one of the spare rooms into a granny annex. I know my daughter would love to continue living with her grandma but would my wife be as keen? I just don’t know what to do. Please help.
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Looks like you got a case of the GILFs buddy. Only thing you can do is let her know how you feel. Go big or go home is what I'd say. Make a massive, public show of affection for your mother-in-law and that way the whole family knows where you stand. Women LOVE that sort of thing and, given they're both females, it's pretty likely you'l be able to keep both of them with one gesture. A song, a flash mob dance routine. Anything really should do the trick. Happy to help.
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@neilwsutton Love your sense of humour. You sound bright but let your sense of humour over ride common sense though. Why don't you give sensible advice that works instead, how about showing your i.q. is bigger than your shoe size and becoming a well paid professional instead of trying to be a comedian?
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What a bunch of shite. Grow up. There are people out there with serious, big, real, upsetting and worrying problems. If we want entertainment we can watch television, read a book, chat to our mates or listen to music. If this is how you get your kicks I feel sorry for you mate. The world will turn and turn whatever we do or say but we sometimes interact with each other and I prefer to chat to grown adults on these sites. This site is serious for thinkers... oh sorry that is not YOU.
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