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[Solved] Out of hand gambling

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I started gambling a few years ago at first just things like the lottory and jackpot machines, then I started to gamble online using my phone I know cant stop I cant put the phone down for long before I have to have another bet. when I started it was a few pounds but know iam getting into debt with credit cards that i can't afford to pay back. Iknow I need to stop but I don't know how it is so compulsive.were or how can I get help to break this addiction?

Elejo 21/03/2024 7:28 am

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Dear Brian, as you have realized, gambling is a terrible addiction that can destroy your peace of mind, finances and life! Gambling was not made for we the people, it was made to feather the nest of manufacturers, govs & the sellers. Processed foods can only make the situation worse! You must regain control of your peace of mind, life & finances. Do something you really enjoy instead ie body building, walking or swimming at the beach, cycling, treasure hunting with a gold detector, spending time with friends or get an online job. There is a supplement that will nourish your brain to help you break the addiction, it's called NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) Take it in pure fruit juice 3-4 days a week, for months if necessary. Other natural things that will help you feel good fast are blackcurrants with hemp and poppy seeds; add cooked oats, cacao and raw honey to taste. A natural multi vitamin helps everything ie moringa, deer velvet or barley grass etc. Raw or Organic honey in filtered water will help too. Find Tai Chi with Zidong online; it's easy & awesome to help release stress & promote well being. Hypericum is awesome for any Post Traumatic Stress that may have triggered the gambling addiction. Detox the Pineal gland with a herbal formula (online). It's essential to keep your frequency up with 432 Hz Golden Ratio (on youtube.). Reset the brain by humming, deep breathing, jogging on the spot or with Acupuncture. If symptoms persist consult a Homeopath or Kinesiologist. Al the very best for your new gamble free life!

9 Answers

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I think you need help.  Have you talked to your friends or family about this?


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Gambling is fun just go with flow and reason and you win lot of money soon.


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Can you fight the urge? Does not sound like it. You need professional help, if you can find the money to gamble you can find the money to pay a professional to help you. It would be money well spent.


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If you are to stop gambling you need to get some professional help becouse if you contine the way your going you could end up jobless, bankrupt and homeless


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Yep you are on the road to nowhere - to oblivion. To being at the mercy of strangers throwing some money into a bucket as they pass by. Not sure why you need advice when it is so clear cut. You choose to destroy your life or have a life, your choice.


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Get busier with dates, going out, sex, hobbies, work, anything to distract you from this urge. The busier you are the less likely you will be to think about it or have the time to follow it through. Do not get into online gambling, especially if it is on your phone, that is a killer, in every way possible.


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A male friend of mine when through a similar thing. He knew he needed counselling or therapy but he kept insisting he could deal with it and lick it himself. Each time he did another bet he would say this is the last one, I've got it sorted, just one more and then stopping. This happened every day for about five years. By the time he had been doing it every day for five years he was in a lot of debt and had no friends. His friends were sick and tired of him nagging them to lend him money he could never pay back. As time went on he believed that he would have one big win and be able to pay everyone back and be ok but the debts just got worse and worse. Now and then he would win a little bit and it nowhere near covered anything serious. The bailiffs visited him, he got red letters from utility companies. They cut off his electricity. He still kept telling himself he could deal with it and win it back. He lost his job. His wife went. He never learns. He is now homeless and living on park benches and still nagging people for money. If he gets some he wants to bet with him and would go without food to. He is - it sounds horrible - but his own worst enemy and a total fool.


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Firstly it is good that you realise that you have a problem and that problem is becoming an addiction can I suggest you look up Gamblers annonomous they have meeting all over the country and make the first steps to freing yourself from this problem.


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You don't need to be an online agony aunt to know that you need to learn about self control and how you cannot have the best of both worlds. Bookies used to take money off mugs now it is all online. Anyone can tell you that and as a gambler I expect you know it already. Life is not all about money or having an easy life, there is no such thing as a get rich scheme that works for the person looking for  a fast buck.

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