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Joined: Jun 11, 2023
Last seen: Feb 9, 2025
Topics: 22 / Replies: 66
RE: No point if getting married again after

Each to their own. I know loads of buddies who would be sad if not married and would marry almost anyone rather than be single. And others are real p...

9 months ago
RE: I think I'm in love with my moth-in-law

@neilwsutton Love your sense of humour. You sound bright but let your sense of humour over ride common sense though. Why don't you give sensible advi...

1 year ago
Answer to: I have been pretending to understand my wife speaking French

If she speaks french and you do not how did you get together and get married in the first place? Seems very odd to me. If I had been advising you befo...

1 year ago
RE: My fiance is mad I spent wedding cash on wrestling belts

@jennybuechler Terrific advice my dear. You would make a great professional well paid agony aunt. Sign up on the directory so they can pay you for you...

1 year ago
RE: Agony Aunt Jobs

Terrific. Now you have to show that you can read and write and follow simple instructions, otherwise what use will you be to these poor souls that nee...

1 year ago
Replies: 0
Views: 51
Answer to: I am at my wit's end.

Yes. Either you wait and hope that he changes his mind, or you endure this, which is making you sad, or you walk away altogether from this person, or...

2 years ago
Answer to: How do I ask her out?

It's simple. If you have not found it in your heart to be brave enough to ask her out by now you probably never will. Which is a shame because you cou...

2 years ago
RE: Should I Marry Him or Date Him?

When unsure do not do more than you have to. If the choice is dating the person or marrying them you only date them, you may even date them just casua...

2 years ago
RE: I caught her at it

Catching someone at it is horrible, it is not so bad if the relationship has run it's course and you do not love them and want to be with them, but st...

2 years ago
RE: Just want to get married?

Why is getting married the be all and end all of everything? Believe me it is just a piece of paper. Plenty of people change their mind after getting ...

2 years ago
Answer to: I am so looking forward to Christmas day but..It is the same each year, I live and breath for this, cannot wait.

Maybe a good chat with a therapist would be helpful here. You don't have a terrible problem like drinking or insomnia or anger so it's not "urgent" an...

2 years ago
Answer to: I like this girl at work a lot, she is bright, bubbly, good company, a laugh and attractive, but I'm not sure how to approach her about this.

Ok you like her. Maybe she likes you. You posted this a little while ago so what has changed since then? Did you ask her out or tell her how you feel?...

2 years ago
RE: It is wrong

Sorry but I believe that any mother should protect her daughter from men if she can. One of the things about a woman with a young daughter is she must...

2 years ago
RE: He nags me for money

Sounds good. But is it that good? Some guys are good wit the jobs and money but as boring as hell. Or crap at sex. Or always busy with diy, friends, g...

2 years ago
RE: Still miss her

The sad thing is you may miss her forever, for the rest of your life. The great thing is that you met her and had her and many have never had such a ...

2 years ago
RE: Romance has died?

Having read what you said I sort of get it more now. Think guys going into a chat room to try to get laid, especially old ones or married ones, is dis...

2 years ago
RE: Hard when first time

Found the first one to be nothing special, he wore braces and had a lisp, a funny laugh and a wonky eye but I still liked him a lot. We were at schoo...

2 years ago
RE: Why stay

I knew a woman who stayed with her husband because he was a minister. She lived for her daughters and grandkids, and would spend most of her time bein...

2 years ago
RE: Idiots

Sorry but I must agree with a lot of what has been said here. I've known women to go for married men and in most cases they were naive and living in a...

2 years ago
RE: How do you know if he is the right one?

You toss a coin? It may be as good a way as any. You could sleep on it, talk about it, make a list of pros and cons, and it can all shift and change i...

2 years ago
RE: Incest is gross

Incest destroys the victim. Once the person has been forced, manipulated, seduced or used in this way they are never the same, a shadow of former self...

2 years ago
RE: Living Together

If you love each other and got it right get married, no point to pissing about and sort of being together instead. If you are unsure then date instea...

2 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 65
RE: Agony Aunt Jobs

Looking for an agony aunt job? Good idea... work out if you prefer to be self employed and have lots of individual clients all over the World. You cal...

2 years ago
RE: Love has Gone

Dear. Think , stop, hesitate, before any of this playfulness. It may be a joyful fun thing to do at the time, and make you feel supreme and special if...

2 years ago
RE: What is illegal?

About time they sorted out this stuff for good, too fuzzy and confusing. Some of the people are quick to cry stalking or rape when you not even doing...

2 years ago
Answer to: I was caught cheating.

Being caught is just one part of it, doing it in first place and why you do it in first place is 99% of it. Even if you are not caught it all ends in ...

2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 56
RE: Guys can dream on

REMEMBER that if you hire someone as a professional friend - for company - this has nothing to do with sex. These people are not sex workers. They are...

2 years ago
RE: Looking for friends

Please remember to be cautious about getting to know or meeting people online. If you are working as a well paid agony aunt professional, a profession...

2 years ago
Answer to: How do I get this Woman to say Yes to me?

Your children are probably the same age as her - have left home and grown and got jobs. So you are not with wife for the sake of the children, fibber....

2 years ago
Answer to: Who should I choose to marry?

Not sure why getting married is so important? Apart from a piece of paper what do you gain by it? If you see various guys without being married nobod...

2 years ago
Answer to: Awful Elderly Father - Do I cut Contact?

If it were me I would be very unsure too - there seems to be good both ways. Sleep on it for a bit cause once you get back in touch you cannot undo it...

2 years ago
Answer to: What do I say to my boyfriend's mother who is insisting she is moving in?

I agree with Grateful - even if this were a long standing and serious relationship she has no rights like this, and he has no right to expect it. If h...

2 years ago
RE: Saw this on tv

There is one born every minute I fear and I've seen stuff about this too. It's always the same. The poor or ugly or older one gets it into the head t...

2 years ago
RE: Best Advice I can Give is

This makes sense to me too. You can often regret things you do in a rush, it can be foolhardy to get all worked up about something and you could get i...

2 years ago
RE: Some stupid agony aunt advice

If someone had said this to me I would be furious. Why would this appeal to someone? For one thing she wants friends not people whose house she is cle...

2 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 93
Answer to: How do I ask her out?

Just spit it out for God's sake! How can she decide that you are worthy of her time if you are so shy? She wants a man, someone with backbone and pers...

2 years ago
Answer to: I am at my wit's end.

We all have problems from time to time, our strength and abilities show how bright and persevering we are. You need to sort out this problem, we have ...

2 years ago
RE: Relations

Relationships with relationships can be full of difficulties. Some of them try to influence you or control you, in a way that you would not tolerate f...

2 years ago
RE: My Ex

Hi ladies I am sorry you are hurting. I wonder if some of this is brought on by lack of realising that some people are nice and others are not? You s...

2 years ago
RE: Ex is Scum

I found out my long term partner of 14 years has been having a whole other life for the last 10 months. I thought he was away working and he has been ...

2 years ago
Answer to: My next door neighbour keeps knocking on my door expecting to come in and play with my tiny dogs.

This lady you speak of sounds very much like a needy child. Why would you always be there for her as if you have no life or needs of your own? It beg...

2 years ago
RE: Going to work

I work from home so I'd change part of what you say into working rather than going to work. I much prefer working from home for loads of different rea...

2 years ago
Answer to: Who should I choose to marry?

I would love to help but doubt I could sort out my own husband let alone yours! Write a list of all of their good points and bad points and give high...

2 years ago
Answer to: My cruel ex has been spreading rumours about me and they are not true.

Gee this stinks. Dust yourself off and hold head high and carry on, showing him you upset just makes them happy and they get big kick out of knowing s...

2 years ago
RE: Diabetes2

Not much fun to have to watch what you can and cannot eat so carefully, but it could be worse, you could get that thing that means you cannot eat glu...

2 years ago
RE: Our health

I agree. I know people like this, they gorge on huge fatty meals covered in salt, drink fizzy drinks and alcohol all of the time. If you go out with t...

2 years ago
Answer to: I was sexually abused by my boss the other day when I stayed late to do over time.

This is a serious thing, I find it amazing people talk as if this is almost nothing. You need to think clearly of how you want to proceed with this as...

2 years ago
RE: Unusual Jobs

I used to work at a hairdresser where the people were always going on about their arguments with their boyfriends or their husbands. Sometimes this wo...

2 years ago
RE: Families

You are so lucky. My family are the pits. Nasty pieces of shite. My mother wanted to sell me to old married men and all she cared about was getting th...

2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 60
RE: Pornography

I've met guys who want me to get into all of this dirty stuff - no thanks. To me there are two types of guys, the ones who are normal and nice and get...

2 years ago
RE: Investing

I had bought a lot of houses with the money I worked hard for, but found it was a lot of hassle to see to tenants, who would sometimes be very difficu...

2 years ago
Answer to: Is he taking me for granted?

afraid so - why are you with this person please? if it is because you love him please ask yourself why this is?

2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 63
RE: Good idea?

If it were me I would go for the professional listener. I know lots of people I can mix with and have a good time with but it's much more difficult to...

2 years ago
RE: Hiring a Professional Friend

Yes it can be good fun, a lot of fun, even for the professional friend not just the customer. Both need to be cautious about the whole experience thou...

2 years ago
Answer to: My husband flirts in front of me.

What a big fuss about something so unimportant. Lots of men flirt, most women just accept it and don't care. They flirt too.

2 years ago
RE: What is life about?

It's about ups and downs, learning, being you, suffering and being happy.

2 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 50
2 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 56
2 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 55
2 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 56
RE: Fitness

Sounds great. I try to walk too but don't get enough time to do five miles each day. Will try to increase it. I understand that you have to do rapid w...

2 years ago
Bunch of Words

Live one day at a time, forget the future, it may never happen

2 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 104
Replies: 1
Views: 64
2 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 105
2 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 65
Answer to: I am living with a gorgeous girl, she works in a bar and works most evenings, we have a sort of unspoken agreement that we will be together forever.

Are you making this all up? Lots of guys dream of having two girls, either they don't get them or it all blows up in their face later.

2 years ago
Answer to: I am so looking forward to Christmas day but..It is the same each year, I live and breath for this, cannot wait.

I too love my Christmas, but please try to get it in context. It is only a few days of year at most. You must enjoy the rest of the year too.

2 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 59
RE: I am a mature lady of 60, always been single, saving myself for Mr Right.

Are you serious? Why would a rich good looking young man want to marry you? He can get a good looking, young, gorgeous woman less than half your age, ...

2 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 93
Replies: 6
Views: 102
2 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 66
2 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 70
2 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 64
RE: My husband wants to invite some new "friends" over for an evening

You think these low lives might steal your baby for witchcraft ideas? Gee whizz. Vivid imagination you have. Or maybe you paranoid? Or this is your fa...

2 years ago
RE: Hello and thank you for reading this. My boyfriend of two years is a chatterbox, he rarely shuts up, he has a lot to say about everything, very opinionated and full of himself.

When you fancy that good old sex put some very strong sticky tape over his mouth for keeps. Then he will not go on and on and bore you to death with h...

2 years ago
RE: I like this girl at work a lot, she is bright, bubbly, good company, a laugh and attractive, but I'm not sure how to approach her about this.

My oh my you are in a mess. Why you want a woman who has a boyfriend anyway, this plain daft. Find single girl.And never mess on own doorstep. Messing...

2 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 85

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